jam lonceng bahasa Inggris
- jam: a quarter to seuen; clock; hour; hours; jem;
- lonceng: bel; bells (instrument); bell; watch; campana;
- lonceng setengah jam (kapal): one to eight bells
- membunyikan lonceng jam: strike the hour; striking the hour; struck the hour
- lonceng: bel; bells (instrument); bell; watch; campana; ship’s bell; chime; bell shape; doorbell; clock; buzzer; gong; toll
- jam: a quarter to seuen; clock; hour; hours; jem; mengasakkan; menyumbat; menyumbatkan; o'clock; the time of day; time of day; times of; jam; clocks; hr; time; instant; moment; hr.; day; timekeeper; tick
- bengkeltuang-lonceng: bell foundry
- bunga lonceng: bluebell
- bunyi lonceng: stroke
- bunyikan lonceng: ring
- dentang lonceng: knell
- denting lonceng: peal
- langkah lonceng: bell stroke
- lonceng alarm: alarm-bell
- lonceng angin: wind chime
- By the 1580s, Jesuit scholars like Matteo Ricci and Adam Schall amazed the Chinese elite with technological advances such as European clocks, improved calendars and cannons, and the accurate prediction of eclipses.
Jelang 1580-an, para cendekiawan Yesuit seperti Matteo Ricci dan Adam Schall memukau para petinggi Tionghoa dengan kecangihan-kecanggihan teknologi seperti jam lonceng Eropa, kalender dan meriam yang sudah disempurnakan, dan prediksi waktu terjadinya gerhana secara akurat.